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Reference code
ES CLR CLR-4-1-1949-ENT, 35
Carta del delegat de cultura de l'Ajuntament de Reus demanant un donatiu econòmic per cobrir les despeses de la festa del repartiment de les coques amb cireres
- 1949 (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
1 full
Context area
Name of creator
Biographical history
Archival history
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
Content and structure area
Scope and content
El delegat de cultura de l'Ajuntament de Reus demana a Enric Aguadé una aportació econòmica per poder dur a terme la celebració de la festa de les coques, les quals es reparteixen a tots els nens de la ciutat.
Data del document: 14-05-1949
Appraisal, destruction and scheduling
System of arrangement
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access
Conditions governing reproduction
Language of material
Script of material
Language and script notes
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
Finding aids
Allied materials area
Existence and location of originals
Existence and location of copies
Related units of description
Notes area
Alternative identifier(s)
Access points
Subject access points
Place access points
Name access points
- Aguadé i Parés, Enric (Subject)